American Character 11.5" Tressy dolls clothing clothes handcrafter homemade handmade from Jans Doll Closet
American Character 11.5" Tressy dolls clothing clothes handcrafter homemade handmade from Jans Doll Closet

Doll Clothes ~ Blue Dot Sheath Dress Outfit For American Character 11.5” Tressy
 Requested by Betty and created for your dolls in the USA by Jans Doll Closet. This outfit includes the dress, blue ribbon, panties and pumps. The short sleeve dress has a lace collar, with lace trim also on the sleeves. The dress can be worn with or without the blue satin ribbon tie belt. The dress fastens in back with snaps. The slip-on panties have an elastic waist with lace trim leg openings. The pumps are black plastic. Item Number T11.5.091923B07 Price $18.00
Blue Dot Dress With no shoes For 11.5” AC Tressy $15.00

Doll Clothes ~ Turquois Sheath Dress Outfit For American Character 11.5” Tressy Dolls
 Requested by Betty and created for your dolls in the USA by Jans Doll Closet. This outfit includes the dress, panties and heels. The short sleeve dress has a lace collar. The sleeves are puffy with elastic edging. The attached belt is in black velvet. The dress is accented on the skirt with turquoise lace trim. Dress fastens in back with snaps. The slip-on under panties have an elastic waistband with lace trim leg openings. The turquois heels are plastic. Item Number T11.5.111823B07 Price $18.00
Turquois Dress With No Heels for 11.5” AC Tressy $15.00

Doll Clothes ~ White Under Panties For American Character 11.5” Tressy Dolls
 Designed and handcrafted for your dolls in the USA by Jans Doll Closet. The slip-on panties have an elastic waist band with lace trim leg openings. The waist measure, 4 inches. Item Number T11.5.091123B07 Price $3.15

Doll Clothes ~ White Bra and Panties Set For 11.5” Tressy Dolls
 Designed and handcrafted for your dolls in the USA by Jans Doll Closet. The slip-on bra has lace trim on the top. The bra is held in place with elastic in the back. The slip-on panties have an elastic waist band with lace trim leg openings. The waist measure, 4 inches. Item Number T11.5.091023B07 Price $6.95
Bra Only $4.00

Doll Clothes ~ Pink Sheath Dress Outfit For 11.5” American Character Tressy Dolls
 Designed and handcrafted for your dolls in the USA by Jans Doll Closet. This outfit includes the dress panties and heels. The dress is from the McCalls 7137 sewing pattern for Barbie. The panties are from the Simplicity 4510 sewing pattern. This short sleeve sheath dress has two rows of pink lace down the sides of the dress, with the same lace trim on the sleeve openings. The neck has a pink lace collar, The dress fastens in back with snaps. The slip-on panties have an elastic waistband with lace trim leg openings. The pink heels finish the outfit. Item Number T11.5.090123B07 Price $18.
11.5” Tressy AC Pink Sheath Dress & Panties (no shoes) $15.00

Doll Clothes ~ Flounce Dress Outfit For 11.5” American Character Tressy Dolls
 Designed and handcrafted for your dolls in the USA by Jans Doll Closet. This outfit includes the dress, panties and heel. The short sleeve dress has a lace collar with lace trim on the puffy sleeves. The drop waist dress has a straight skirt with a flounce near the hem. Dress fastens in back with snaps. The slip-on panties have an elastic waistband with lace trim leg openings. The shoes are red plastic pumps. Item Number T11.5.090823B07 Price $18.00
Flounce Dress with no shoes for 11.5” AC Tressy $15.00
